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Support the Michael Cameron Campaign today


Dive into the heart of the campaign by volunteering in diverse roles, from grassroots canvassing to digital outreach. Your time, skills, and dedication as a volunteer are the driving forces that bring our shared vision for Winter Park to life.

Host an Event

Open your home to community conversations and fundraisers, and become a pivotal part of the campaign by hosting an event. Your hospitality provides a personal touch, fostering stronger bonds and meaningful dialogue among supporters of Michael Cameron.

Request a Yard Sign

Show your support for Michael Cameron loud and clear by displaying a campaign yard sign on your property. Request a sign today and let your neighborhood know you stand with a candidate who champions progress and tradition in Winter Park.

Endorse Michael Cameron

Lend your voice and influence to the campaign by officially endorsing Michael Cameron for Mayor of Winter Park. Your endorsement is a powerful statement of trust and belief in Michael's vision for a united and thriving community.

Select the Option that Best Describes Your Purpose
How Would You Like to Volunteer
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